Duration 6:47

Why is Modern Art so Bad Classical Painter Reacts | Brian Holdsworth

2 218 watched
Published 3 Mar 2023

Reacting to a video @BrianHoldsworth on why modern art is so bad and talking about differences between modern and classical philosophy. To buy the same linen and oil ground prepared linen I use: https://www.kitschmeister.com/ canvas-1 For in depth lessons about kitsch painting and 1-on-1 learning with me: https:// www.patreon.com/nicthurman Donate to support the channel: https://www.nicthurman.com/ donate Join my newsletter for free live demos and more: https:// www.nicthurman.com/newsletter Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nic.thurman Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ nic.thurman


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Comments - 25
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    @JohnNoZ35last year A lot of modern art also expects that almost everything is social commentary. Beauty is not the standard. 27
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    @X50Phlast year Years agoi did a visit to a london modern art museum. I had a food wrapper which i threw in a bin. I was immediately challenged by a gallery staff member . ...Expand 7
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    @_pastabrodo_last year I think art peaked with impressionism, the fusion of a creative way to portray reality without losing itself in abstract meanings or social commentaries, after the rise of photography. 8
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    @BrianHoldsworthlast year Hey nic. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this topic and my video. You' re contributions are a great companion to what i was trying to communicate . ...Expand
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    @thewindupsweetheart11 months ago This is so applicable to the modern music scene. Well, thechart music scene anyway.
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    @abyssssbmusic137011 months ago Just to preface this, i generally don' t follow art for the most part, just music.
    i do think that there' s nothing wrong with sincerely if you do a copy of a masterwork (i don' t necessarily agree with that framing) some people might not get anything out of it if they don' t care about how difficult it is to do something, but care about the idea or concept behind or in the art (they might think it' s not actually doing anything, because where they see substance, there isn' t any; theof art that are important to them are not present, and if they personally think you should make something original they might see it as inauthentic) while someone who is inspired or affected by something that is difficult to do might get a lot out of a copy of a masterwork, and might not get anything out of something that doesn' t take any skill to make, or less skill to make, or if something appears to not take any skill they might also not get much out of it in terms of how they get enjoyment or value from experiencing art)
    i can still be impressed and inspired and enjoy art from the skill or effort that' s involved, but in music, after having experiences where i' ve often found music that took less effort to make to be more rewarding than music that took more effort, or often being unable to accurately judge how muchorgoes into any piece of music it' s become much less important for me (not that there' s anything wrong with it being important to someone, and there' s many people who get even less out of it than i do)
    edit: also aside from the fact that i usually get way more out of abstract or conceptual art than i do fromart, i' m often doubtful of the claim that abstract art doesn' t take any skill. Not that i think it' s impossible for the art to be easy to make, but because there isn' t a way for me to know how much skill or effort an artist puts into a painting from the painting itself (there is information lost there)
    an artist could be extremely particular about textures, colors, composition, the particular shapes and whatever else of an abstract painting, and it might be difficult to get it exactly the way they want it to be, or it could just be that they want the painting to be a blue background with some other colors mixed in and then 10 triangles of different colors on top of the background (i can' t know which is the case; it could be the case that an abstract painting is as difficult for them as some difficult painting of something in reality is (assuming a similar amount of detail?
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    @PinkyIvan12last year I have to say, my self expression is much greater in my works which are better and into which i' ve put more hours. Which still doesn' t compare . ...Expand 1
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    @vers1fierlast year I feel the exact same way with modern photography.
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    @dashinvainelast year Lovely point about classical art being the product of love. Incidentally, i am not in agreement with thebrigade about conceding the word ' art' to thei would say that only traditional art is truly worthy of calling art. I' m reminded of the picasso quote where he likens his art to a weapon of war against the enemy. Obviously one doesn' t make offensive weapons in a spirit of love, so there' s the difference. #39; modern ' art' is literally offensive. It' s meant to be. I would also dispute theclaim on the wordpicasso is not exactly recent, at this point. A failed experiment from the early 20th century can' t lay a claim to the eternal present). ...Expand 2
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    @andrewbaker837310 months ago Good modernism in design and figuration has its roots in rigorous drawing. Simplism and paired down drawing relies on good drawing skills. There is a basichere imo. Ty for the vid nic. 1
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    @themysteriousdomainmoviepalacelast year I' ve heard that the old style isn' t saelable. It all has to look like instagram to sell. Though i haven' t seen that argument hold up. 1
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    @williambarry8015last year I' m not an artist whatsoever but at the veterinarian clinic in the examination room is a painting of a golden retriever asleep on a couch on the wall. . ...Expand 2
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    @neogerulalast year Yeap. We can baldly say love is missing. And the inspiration comes from the well of humans supreme meaning, wich is to strive towards the divine. Of course, in every way but the material.
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    @Noname-yu8qwlast year And also modern architecture and sculpture sucks, cities are turning into concrete boxes with sculptures that look like a pile of junk. 3
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    @janetc37075 months ago Contemporary art is really all about the money. 1
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    @johnjohn2570last year I kinda feel like when people say modern art they just lump together like a 150 years of totally different movements. Pretending like dadism, cubism, super . ...Expand 3
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    @johnbloom1109last year That isn' t art that' s a child or child like mind scribble scrabbling.
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    @65damdamdamlast year I think you are talking about contemporary art. Not modern art. Common mistake but you should know the difference. 2
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    @stuart64784 months ago Ha oh man the toony bs of manuscripts. Oh well. Good is good and good is bad but bad is typically bad. Does it sell? What is love? Baby don' t hurt me.
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    @stuart64784 months ago Remember the birth of venus? Look at it again. Great composition. Worst celebrated figure painting ever.
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    @1977ajax3 months ago All that is true, you missed the biggest failure of today' s art - it is completely meaningless.
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    @quinnhenderson85935 months ago This is a narrow minded opinion that is so wildly arrogant. This concept of thedriving the modern art world. What exactly are you doing then? Is your own ego not driving your own opinions? Who gets to decide what great painting is? The existence of one does not infringe on the existence of the other. Modern art is a way to bring mood to a space, to illicit an emotion that is not present in classical art. It' s like being mad that macaroni and cheese isn' t a really nicely cooked turkey dinner that took weeks to prepare for. They' re fundamentally not the same thing, so why judge them through the same lense? How is macaroni somehow invalid because it can be made quickly? It wasn' t made with enoughbecause of how little ingredients there are, so obviously it' s trash peasant food. That' s essentially what you' re saying. Or what about music? Just because people like bach, mozart, and vivaldi exist, does this somehow mean that hiphop, punk, and rock music shouldn' t exist? Or that because you don' t personally find inspiration in them, they are somehow not as worthy to you? If you compare tupac to what constitutes a good classical song, then yes, you could argue that it isbut if you' re judging vivaldi based off of what makes a good tupac song then the opinion is reversed. And who are you to say which is correct? I personally would rather listen to tupac on an average tuesday, does this make me stupid? Am i not enlightened enough? Or? Modern art is not bad, it merely is. You just don' t like modern art, and that' s totally cool man. I don' t really like it either, and would generally prefer to look at rembrandts myself but that' s not the point. Your own work would improve tremendously if you considered trying to look at modern art this way. I think we would all benefit as people and as a species if we stopped looking at things that are different with so much disdain. We can be angry that the art world likes modern art but cry me a fucking river, right? Like who really cares. Most people like garbage, welcome to earth. ...Expand 1