Duration 5:13

Lelush: One More Minute Okay, Rest 利路修的不营业时间! | 营人进入异次元会变成笨蛋吗 Are You A Werewolf

124 672 watched
3.6 K
Published 10 May 2021

'CHUANG 2021: Are You A Werewolf?' , an immersive game reality show, is a derivative show of CHUANG 2021. Trainees in themed costumes will become game players in another dimension, get through all passes and achieve the final victory. In the process, the outstanding intelligence, physical power and humor of the trainees will be shown. 《营人进入异次元会变成笨蛋吗》为《创造营2021》的衍生节目,主要内容为学员们的沉浸式游戏类真人秀,学员们通过主题换装成为异次元空间的游戏玩家,努力完成层层关卡以争取最后的胜利。在游戏过程中展现学员们出色的智力、体力以及有趣的灵魂。 Subscribe: http://bit.ly/CHUANG2021 Watch Full EPs on WeTV: http://bit.ly/Chuang2021 🔥Performance First Performance 学员首秀舞台☞https://bit.ly/3c5024Q First Public Performance 第一次公演舞台☞https://bit.ly/3e7PAMw First Public Performance Focus Cam 第一次公演舞台直拍 ☞https://bit.ly/3v1TFYP Theme Song Focus Cam 主题曲直拍 ☞https://bit.ly/3lfN1cX Second Public Performance 第二次公演舞台☞https://bit.ly/2PfC0wm Second Public Performance Focus Cam 第二次公演舞台直拍 ☞https://bit.ly/3u1Ko1n Third Public Performance 第三次合作公演舞台 ☞ https://bit.ly/3tagxUy Third Public Performance Focus Cam 第三次合作公演舞台直拍☞ https://bit.ly/3wPaEOW ⚡️The Spin-off of CHUANG 2021 创造营2021衍生节目 [Are You A Werewolf 营人进入异次元会变成笨蛋吗]☞https://bit.ly/3rvXaUQ [Lost In Comments Live 首秀副本]☞https://bit.ly/2Oky8cO [CHUANG Vlog 大岛日记]☞https://bit.ly/30eoHOL [Filming Set Diary 片场日记]☞https://bit.ly/3qrwUtP [Practice Video 练习室版舞蹈] ☞https://bit.ly/3kM90b3 [All Star Rating 评级全纪录]☞https://bit.ly/3e9kDYn ✿More about CHUANG 2021 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CHUANG2021official/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chuang_official/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/CHUANG_Official ✿More Fantastic Shows [Produce 101 China]☞ http://bit.ly/2HlTVdr [Produce Camp 2019]☞http://bit.ly/325caNQ [CHUANG 2020]☞http://bit.ly/2MxCUmt 🔒Official Channel We TV Subscribe it Now ☞ 腾讯视频: http://bit.ly/wetvnew ☞ 创造营 CHUANG2021: http://bit.ly/CHUANG2021 ☞ 腾讯动漫:http://bit.ly/wetvanime ☞ 腾讯视频热播综艺: https://bit.ly/wetvshow ☞ 腾讯视频华语经典剧场: https://bit.ly/wetvdrama ☞ WeTV 台灣: http://bit.ly/wetvtw ☞ WeTV Thailand: http://bit.ly/wetvthaisub ☞ WeTV Indonesia: http://bit.ly/wetvinsub ☞ WeTV Vietnam: http://bit.ly/wetvvisub ☞ WeTV English: http://bit.ly/wetveng ☞ WeTV Arabic: http://bit.ly/wetvarab ☞ WeTV Spanish: http://bit.ly/wetvesp ☞ WeTV Korea: http://bit.ly/wetvkr ☞ WeTV Turkish: https://bit.ly/wetvtur ☞ WeTV Russian: https://bit.ly/wetvrus ☞ WeTV Portuguese: https://bit.ly/wetvpt-br ☞ WeTV Japan: http://bit.ly/wetvjapan #CHUANG2021 #创造营2021 #WeTV #腾讯视频 #Tencentvideo


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